Celebrations & Congratulations to Briana Miller

AWS Legal is proud to announce the admission of our newest solicitor. Briana Miller was admitted to the bar at Invercargill High Court on Tuesday morning by Justice Eaton. She was accompanied by Moving Counsel, Damien Pine, Partner at AWS Legal and supported by her family, who had the novelty of witnessing her admission from the jury box. Half of the public gallery was filled with her team members, all excited to celebrate her success.
“It was a privilege to be admitted and signing the role definitely confirmed the reality of the ceremony. I am grateful for the support I’ve had from AWS Legal and am excited for what a career in law brings.“
Briana Miller

After completing her Bachelor of Law at the University of Canterbury Briana joined AWS Legal permanently due to the supportive team environment and the opportunities to explore different areas of law within the firm.
She has started her law career within our Employment team with the guidance of Damien Pine, whilst continuing to gain experience from the Property team.
“When Bri joined the firm as a summer clerk we were immediately impressed with her ability to research the law and apply it to assist our clients with their complex legal problems. We were delighted when Bri agreed to join the firm following her graduation from Canterbury University. Admission to the bar is the result of hours and hours of hard work, dedication and perseverance. These attributes will ensure that Bri has a long and successful career in the profession and we are extremely proud to be part of that journey.”
Damien Pine, Partner & Moving Counsel

We as a firm are excited to celebrate this milestone with Briana, her family and the wider team. We look forward to seeing where her career and fresh ideas will take her from here on in!
Congratulations Briana!
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